Rspack currently does not support mini-css-extract-plugin, but it can be replaced with this plugin and used in conjunction with css-loader to extract css into separate files.
If your project does not depend on css-loader, it is recommended to use the built-in css solution experiments.css of Rspack for better performance.
Plugin Configuration
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
filename | string | "[name].css" | The name of the CSS artifact, please refer to output.filename |
chunkFilename | string | "[name].css" | The name of the asynchronous loading CSS artifact. If not set, it will use filename; please see output.chunkFilename |
'ignoreOrder' | 'boolean' | false | Whether to issue a warning if there are conflicts in the order of some CSS in different chunks. For example, entryA introduces a.css b.css, entryB introduces b.css a.css, and the order of a.css and b.css cannot be determined |
ignoreOrder | boolean | false | If there are conflicts in the order of certain CSS files in different chunks, should a warning be issued? For example, entryA imports a.css and b.css, while entryB imports b.css and a.css. The order of a.css and b.css cannot be determined. |
insert | string | ((linkTag: HTMLLinkElement) => void) | undefined | Decide how the link tag is inserted into the page. If passed as a string type,it will be regarded as dom selector,and the link tag will be inserted after element corresponding to that selector。If passed as function type,the function will be converted into a String at runtime for invocation,with link tag as parameter |
attributes | Record<string, string> | undefined | Add attributes to link tags |
linkType | string | 'text/css' | false | "text/css" | Set the Type attribute value for Link Tag |
runtime | boolean | true | Injecting Runtime code related to CSS Loading |
pathinfo | boolean | false | Whether more detailed information about CSS Path should remain in product |
Loader Configuration
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
publicPath | string | ((resourcePath: string, context: string) => string) | output.publicPath | Public Path in CSS Module |
emit | boolean | true | Whether Extracting Out CSS Files Setting It To False Will Not Generate CSS Files |
esModule | boolean | true | Whether To Use Es Module Syntax For Exporting Class Names Of CSS Modules |