Plugin compat

This index lists the compatibility status of some commonly community plugins in Rspack.

The support status of Rspack for the built-in plugins in webpack can be refer to Webpack-aligned built-in plugins.

PluginSupport statusNotes
copy-webpack-plugin🔵 Included
Use CopyRspackPlugin instead
mini-css-extract-plugin🔵 Included
tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin🔵 Included
case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin🟢 Compatible
useBeforeEmitHook option not supported
clean-webpack-plugin🟢 Compatible
compression-webpack-plugin🟢 Compatible
css-minimizer-webpack-plugin🟢 Compatible
eslint-webpack-plugin🟢 Compatible
fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin🟢 Compatible
html-webpack-plugin🟢 Compatible
Support for this plugin was implemented in v0.3.3, please upgrade the Rspack version to use it
webpack-bundle-analyzer🟢 Compatible
@sentry/webpack-plugin🟢 Compatible
Support for the plugin version v1.20.1 and above has been implemented in v0.3.3
terser-webpack-plugin🔴 Incompatible
webpack-manifest-plugin🔴 Incompatible
webpack-subresource-integrity🔴 IncompatibleTo be implemented
pnp-webpack-plugin🔴 Incompatible
resolve.plugins option not supported
webpack-virtual-modules🔴 Incompatible

Additionally, you can check out the community Rspack plugins at awesome-rspack.